Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Settling In

Treatments 6 and 7 were completed successfully -- 35 to go, but who's counting? This week's appointments have been at 9:30 AM, so far, but tomorrow's appointment is scheduled for 10:00 PM. Paul will call in the afternoon, at shift change time, and try to get in earlier. We're learning that sometimes this works.

Last night we went to one of the patient sponsored "pot luck" dinners. There are two a week, on Monday and Tuesday nights. The first time one attends these events one needn't bring anything (so we didn't) but after that one is supposed to bring some kind of dish. We'll probably try the Tuesday night one tonight which is held at a different location. We signed up for a dining out event Thursday evening which hopefully won't be pre-empted by a nightime treatment appointment.

The fan on the power supply on my desktop computer died yesterday but, as you can see, it's back among the living. We took it to Best Buy and the Geek Squad replaced the power supply and checked out the rest of the hardware.

That's about it for now.

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