Thursday, April 12, 2007

Paul in His Pod

The first shift techs were kind enough to humor me and take several pictures during today's treatment (#9).

Below is Paul in his "pod" (an open lower body cast into which the patient climbs for each treatment). It's called an immobilization device. Rob, one of the techs, is levelling Paul's hips in preparation for the treatment.

Here is another picture of Paul in his pod, after adjustments were made:

Following is a picture of the daily x-ray that is taken and overlaid on the planning CT scan that was taken in March when we were here for the consult. The round object on the right is his right artificial hip prosthesis.

One more shot of Paul in his pod. This is probably getting boring . . . just imagine how Paul feels!


Unknown said...

These pictures are very interesting/instructive and should be made available to many. I hope you are going to do something beyond your blog with all of this.

Good going.


Anonymous said...

Hi from Las Vegas! Great news that you have reached the half-way mark!! You both are troupers...cooler here this past few days and much wind! Winding down at ALLV - placement day tomorrow, officer installation and luncheon Thursday. My best to your both.......Dorothy Turner